The incredible story of one man’s obsession with an enigmatic and deadly reptile...
Raymond Lee Ditmars (1876-1942), the first curator of reptiles at New York’s world-famous Bronx Zoo, popularised cold-blooded animals as never before. His love for snakes, insects and other misunderstood creatures was conveyed in books, lectures, and pioneering motion pictures. But his expeditions to the Central and South America jungles during the 1930s in search of the legendary bushmaster – the world’s largest viper – really captured the public imagination. In Bushmaster, Dan follows in Ditmars’s footsteps and attempts to achieve what Ditmars himself failed to do: find a bushmaster in the wild. Eighty years on, will Dan have any more luck? Or will the bushmaster find him first? Hardcover: 304 pages Publisher: Arcade Publishing (June 2, 2015) ISBN-10: 1628725117 ISBN-13: 978-1628725117 |